Are you crazy for yuca like me???

Are you crazy for yuca like me???

Welcome to the Crazy For Yuca… and All Things Wellness community!

In honor of the 1 year anniversary of the creation of Crazy For Yuca, I thought it was time to get personal and connect with my followers in new ways!

Lauren Altchiler Ph D, Clinical Psychologist, Blogger - CrazyForYuca

Hi! I’m Lauren, and I first discovered yuca exactly 2 years ago while eating at a Costa Rican restaurant on my birthday! (March 2017) What an incredible gift!!! 🎁 Since then, I’ve researched all I can about this amazingly versatile root vegetable, developed lots of recipes, continue to try every yuca recipe I come across, enjoy sampling all healthy yuca products I find, and have created a blog, Instagram, and Facebook page to spread the word about this outstanding tuber!!! (Even though I never had a social media account in my life, and vowed I never would!!!) Yes, I’ve become completely OBSESSED!!! 🤣 Be careful, you might too, once you discover all the wonders of yuca! 

Just so we’re all on the same page – yuca, cassava, and manioc are different names referring to the same root vegetable. Tapioca is an extract of yuca. Click the links below for lots of other great yuca info! 

Getting to Know Yuca (Cassava) 

Getting to Know Cassava (Yuca) Flour

Yuca (Cassava) Nutrition Facts


Why do you love yuca???

I want to know about YOU!!!

What attracted you to Crazy For Yuca??? Is this the first you’re hearing about it, or is cooking with yuca part of your family tradition? Are you gluten-free? Are you following a particular diet such as paleo, Whole30, low glycemic, or autoimmune protocol? Maybe you’re interested in healthy cooking and want to explore grain-free, “whole food” options, and decrease processed, genetically modified foods? Maybe you’re just adventurous and like to learn about new things!

No matter what brought you here, I’m SO HAPPY you found my blog, and look forward to getting to know you and creating an interactive community of yuca lovers!!!

If yuca is part of your culture, I’d love to hear about your family traditions! I get really excited to hear all the ways yuca is eaten throughout the world! If you’re willing to share a recipe, I’d love to give it a try and share it with the Crazy For Yuca tribe! (Giving you full credit, of course!) 


***Please comment at the bottom of this post to introduce yourself! I can’t wait to hear from you!*** 


Here’s a little summary about me and why I dedicate my time to getting the word out about yuca. 

In 2012, after suffering from autoimmune issues (endometriosis, Hashimotos and pre-diabetes) for a number of years, I started working with a Functional Medicine doctor. He discovered that I had sensitivity to gluten, dairy, soy, and chicken eggs, and that I had a leaky gut! (Fun, right???) As a result, I cut those things out of my diet.

I know what you’re thinking – “What’s left to eat???” (Everyone always says that!!!!) But trust me, I’ve added WAY more amazing foods into my life than I’ve cut out! (Yuca being one great example!!!) I began cooking from scratch, focusing on organic, unprocessed, “real food” ingredients, and eating WAY more fruits, veggies, and nuts. Before this change, my husband and I would joke saying I “prepared” meals (often with jars or packets of pre-made sauces and seasoning,) but didn’t really know how to “cook.”

Be comforted to know that I’m not a chef! You need no special skills to make any of my recipes!!!

All of my recipes are super simple and require zero cooking expertise! Each recipe post gives step by step instructions, along with pictures of most steps!! (Easy-peasy!!!)

Through the years I spent A LOT of time learning about healthy cooking, mostly by reading and experimenting in my own kitchen. My new way of eating ended the autoimmune attack my body was raging against my thyroid, led to a significant improvement in my energy level, blood sugar, brain fog, blood test markers, and general sense of well-being!

I would say that I adjusted to all the changes without too much stress, (although I must admit I had little breakdowns every few weeks in the beginning when I got hungry and there wasn’t anything I could quickly grab! Oh how I missed my bagel with melted American cheese!!!) Once I found my new go-to foods, and realized I must have food that I enjoyed in the fridge or freezer at all times, I was pretty content with the whole dietary situation. THEN I DISCOVERED YUCA!!!!! 🙌

I honestly thought I wasn’t feeling deprived at all eating this new healthy way! That is, until I experienced the pure joy of biting into fresh Garlic Yuca Flatbread right out of the oven!!! Then I made Yuca Empanadas!!!!!! 😇 (See recipe links below) I had totally forgotten about that satisfying crispy crunch one gets from fresh bread! The yuca dough was completely indistinguishable from wheat!!! I had found a new LOVE!!! 😍❤️😍❤️😍 And these recipes were just the tip of the iceberg!!! Thankfully, but not surprisingly, my husband and daughters fell in love with yuca too!!!

Garlic Yuca Flatbread / Pizza Crust

Baked Yuca Empanadas


All I could think was:




*I especially feel compelled to tell every gluten and grain-free eater about yuca, as its addition to one’s diet ends any possible sense of deprivation! And so my mission to spread the word about yuca began!!!*


Click link below to check out my first post where I describe my journey with each of my first 5 yuca recipes!

Gluten-free? Never feel deprived again!


After creating a bunch of my own recipes, mostly substituting whole yuca or cassava flour for typical American recipes, I began to learn more about the traditional ways yuca is eaten throughout the world!!! I’m still discovering new ways every day! This has become my passion! (Passion/obsession – who knows!!! 🤣🤣🤣) Did I mention I’m a Clinical Psychologist for my real career? Is it ethical to diagnose myself???🤪


Enough about me. I want to hear about you! 

Comment below and tell me about your experience cooking with yuca, or what brings you to the Crazy For Yuca blog!

Ask questions, tell me about your experience making a Crazy For Yuca recipe (the good and the bad,) or any thoughts about your experience cooking and baking with yuca in all of its many forms! Are you gluten or grain-free??? I want to hear your story!


Share with me on Instagram or Facebook @CrazyForYuca

-Snap a picture of a yuca recipe you made or had at a restaurant and tag me!

-Tell me about an awesome yuca snack or product you found???

Your input will help build an awesome, interactive tribe of followers who are all Crazy For Yuca!!!

Follow me on Instagram, as I share on that platform more often, and on a more personal level. While on the Crazy For Yuca blog, most posts are new yuca recipes, on Instagram I share more about all my meals and snacks (yuca and non-yuca,) gluten-free friendly restaurants, clean eating, as well as living a wellness oriented lifestyle.

You can also connect with me in an email at if you prefer. 

I look forward to connecting and getting to know you in the coming days.  Don’t forget to reach out at the bottom of this post, or any other!

I’m happy you decided to become part of the Crazy For Yuca tribe!!! 

I hope yuca makes you as happy as it makes me!!! 😃😃😃

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