Welcome to Crazy For Yuca!!!
You may be wondering, why would anyone make a blog just about yuca?
If you told me this blog existed a year ago, I probably wouldn’t have even visited it. I didn’t even know what yuca was! But that all changed in March, 2017 with a trip to a Costa Rican restaurant where I got chili served over crispy yuca fries. My family and I enjoyed it so much that I came home and immediately began researching all about yuca. Is it really gluten-free? What kinds of nutrients does it contain? Is it safe for people with autoimmune disease? What else can I do with it other than make fries? I literally became obsessed as I continued to discover the health benefits and endless possibilities! Every day my husband would come home to find me cooking some new yuca dish and laugh at my relentless passion. He has now coined my kitchen the “Yuca-teria!!”
If I had known about yuca earlier, going gluten-free would have been a whole lot easier!
As someone who has been gluten-free for over 6 years, yuca opened up an entire world of food possibilities. This is no ordinary root vegetable! It’s the chameleon of all foods! It’s ability to do anything that wheat can do, other than cause inflammation, a leaky gut, food sensitivities, and chronic illness, has truly gained my respect. It’s also a perfect stand-in for people avoiding potatoes, whether because they follow a Paleo, Autoimmune, or other specific diet protocol.
Yuca deserves a blog of its own – a one stop yuca shop! At Crazy For Yuca you will find new exciting whole-food, gluten-free recipes, healthy cooking tips, information on where to buy various yuca products, and links to recipes on other sites that are doing awesome things with yuca. Basically – everything you need to know about yuca!
Let’s all go Crazy For Yuca!!

Never Feel Deprived Again!!
I invite you into my “Yuca-teria!” Whether you are gluten-free, following a Paleo, Vegan, Whole30, or autoimmune protocol, want to eat less grain, or just simply want to be introduced to the most versatile whole-food you likely never knew existed, I hope you will follow my blog so you too can be Crazy For Yuca! And when you make some of the amazing recipes, we can keep it our little secret that your family is actually eating healthy!!
*Click drop down menus at the top of this page to search all recipes on Crazy For Yuca as well as learn more about yuca (a.k.a. cassava) and me!
Click below to read my first post entitled “Gluten-Free? Never Feel Deprived Again!” explaining how my obsession with yuca began, and the 5 basic recipes that were responsible for it all!!!
Gluten-Free? Never Feel Deprived Again!
Click links below to listen to my interview by Allison Brecher of The Nonprofit Voice (LI News radio) about the evolution of Crazy For Yuca!


Disclaimer– At Crazy for Yuca I write about my own personal health and diet journey. My experience and recipes are not to be considered expert advice or suggestive that anyone follow any particular diet protocol. Each person’s body and medical issues are individual and require personal guidance from a medical professional. If you have any concerns due to your specific diagnoses, please consult your doctor before eating yuca.